--- title: "Creating Panel Columns" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Creating Panel Columns} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` ```{r setup} library(trelliscope) library(ggplot2) library(dygraphs) library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE) ``` This article provides a more in-depth look at different ways to create panel columns for use with Trelliscope. It is assumed that you have read the [Introduction](trelliscope.html) article and are familiar with the basics of Trelliscope. ## Using `facet_panels()` with ggplot2 We will stick with the gapminder example for this article (using the `gap` version of the gapminder data that comes with this package). In the Introduction article, we showed how to visualize life expectancy vs. time for each country with ggplot2 using `facet_panels()` and `as_panels_df()`. ```{r} gp <- ( ggplot(gap, aes(year, life_exp)) + geom_point() + facet_panels(vars(country, continent, iso_alpha2)) ) |> as_panels_df(panel_col = "lexp_time") gp ``` ```{r echo=FALSE, eval=FALSE} attributes(gap$lexp_time) attr(gap$lexp_time, "d") ls(envir = environment(attr(gap$lexp_time, "plot_fn"))) get("data", envir = environment(attr(gap$lexp_time, "plot_fn"))) get("x", envir = environment(attr(gap$lexp_time, "plot_fn")))$data ``` The `lexp_time` column is a list of what appears to be ggplot2 objects, one for each panel. What is actually happening is a bit more complex. `lexp_time` is a special vector that contains minimal information for each row needed to create the ggplot facet for that particular row, along with a plotting function that contains instructions for how to create the panel and the underlying data. When a single plot is rendered (e.g. calling `gap$lexp_time[[1]]`), the plotting function is called with the data for that particular panel. And when you view this data frame as a Trelliscope data frame, it will write out all the panels using these instructions. This is a special case of a more general "lazy" panel specification approach that we will discuss in the next section. Note that `as_panels_df()` has an arument `as_plotly` argument, which if `TRUE`, will convert the ggplot panels to Plotly. Additional arguments `plotly_args` and `plotly_cfg` are provided to further customize the Plotly output. ## Custom R-generated panels with `panel_lazy()` A typical use case for visualizing data with Trelliscope, as seen in the example above, is that we have a larger dataset which we aggregate in some way according to some grouping variables, and we then want to visualize the larger dataset corresponding to each group. One way to do this is as we did above, using faceting to specify the subsetting and "summary" visualizations. Another way to do it is to summarize the data first and then specify a plotting function that provides a plot for each row of the summary dataset which can be based on data from the full dataset. For example, consider the following simple summary dataset of mean life expectancy and mean GDP per capita for each country in the gapminder dataset. ```{r} gsumm <- gap %>% summarise( mean_lexp = mean(life_exp), mean_gdp = mean(gdp_percap), .by = c("continent", "country", "iso_alpha2") ) gsumm ``` Now suppose that we would like to use the [dygraphs](https://rstudio.github.io/dygraphs/index.html) package to create an interactive time series plot of life expectancy over time for each country. To do this, we create a plot function that takes an input, `country`, and returns a dygraph plot of life expectancy vs. time for the `gap` dataset filtered to that country. ```{r} library(dygraphs) plot_fn <- function(country) { x <- filter(gap, country == {{ country }}) dygraph(select(x, year, life_exp)) %>% dyOptions(strokeWidth = 3, drawPoints = TRUE, pointSize = 4, gridLineColor = "#dedede") %>% dyHighlight(highlightCircleSize = 6) %>% dyAxis("x", label = "Year", valueRange = c(1952, 2007)) %>% dyAxis("y", label = "Life Expectancy (yrs)", valueRange = c(23.59, 82.61)) %>% dyRangeSelector() } plot_fn("Afghanistan") ``` Now all we need to do to add a new plot column to `gsumm` is to use `panel_lazy()` which takes our plot function and the dataset it applies to as arguments. Note that if used in a dplyr `mutate()`, the dataset is inferred and does not need to be provided. ```{r} gsumm <- gsumm %>% mutate(lexp_time = panel_lazy(plot_fn)) gsumm ``` If we create this plot column outside of dplyr, we need to provide the dataset as an argument: ```{r} gsumm$lexp_time <- panel_lazy(plot_fn, data = gsumm) ``` Note that in this case these panels are [htmlwidgets](http://www.htmlwidgets.org). Your plot function can return any type of htmlwidget or plot objects that can be printed to image files, such as ggplot2 objects. We can now view a plot for any country by indexing into the `lexp_time` column. ```{r} gsumm$lexp_time[[1]] ``` An important thing to note is that your plot function arguments must match variable names found in the dataset. In this case, the `country` argument of `plot_fn()` matches the `country` column in `gsumm`. You can access any columns from the dataset that you would like. For example, if you want to use the `iso_alpha2` column to help label the plot, you can this: ```{r} plot_fn <- function(country, iso_alpha2) { x <- filter(gap, country == {{ country }}) dygraph(select(x, year, life_exp), main = paste0(country, " (", iso_alpha2, ")")) %>% dyOptions(strokeWidth = 3, drawPoints = TRUE, pointSize = 4, gridLineColor = "#dedede") %>% dyHighlight(highlightCircleSize = 6) %>% dyAxis("x", label = "Year", valueRange = c(1952, 2007)) %>% dyAxis("y", label = "Life Expectancy (yrs)", valueRange = c(23.59, 82.61)) %>% dyRangeSelector() } ``` When applied to any row of `gsumm`, the `iso_alpha2` column will be passed to `plot_fn()` along with the `country` column. Another thing to note is that if you are using dplyr to filter inside your plot function, please be aware of issues that can arise from [data masking](https://dplyr.tidyverse.org/articles/programming.html#indirection). For example, you will notice in our example that we need to use the embrace operator `{{` in our `filter()` to keep the code execution from getting confused about whether we are referring to a column name in the data or not. If you are not using dplyr, something like `x <- gap[gap$country == country, ]` would work fine. ## Panels of images existing on the web with `panel_url()` If image or html assets exist on the web, you can create panel columns pointing to these using `panel_url()`. For example, suppose we want to add a column of flags for each country. [This forked repository](https://github.com/hafen/countryflags) contains image files for each country flag, where each file is named using the country's 2-letter code. We can use the `iso_alpha2` column in the gapminder dataset to construct the URL for each flag. ```{r} flag_base_url <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hafen/countryflags/master/png/512/" gsumm <- mutate(gsumm, flag_url = panel_url(paste0(flag_base_url, iso_alpha2, ".png")) ) gsumm ``` ## Panels of images on the local filesystem with `panel_local()` Suppose we instead want to use local image files. We can use `panel_local()` to create a panel column that points to local files. We will download all of the flag images to a temporary directory to illustrate. ```{r} flag_path <- tempdir() download.file("https://github.com/trelliscope/trelliscope/files/12265140/flags.zip", destfile = file.path(flag_path, "flags.zip")) unzip(file.path(flag_path, "flags.zip"), exdir = file.path(flag_path, "flags")) list.files(file.path(flag_path, "flags")) ``` We can now create a panel column that points to these local files. ```{r} gsumm <- mutate(gsumm, flag = panel_local(file.path(flag_path, "flags", paste0(iso_alpha2, ".png"))), ) gsumm ``` Note that once we make `gsumm` into a Trelliscope data frame and view it, local panel files will be copied into the directory of the Trelliscope display so that it is self-contained. If you want to avoid a making copy, you can create the appropriate directory structure and put the files there yourself. ## Setting panel options ```{r gap, out.width="100%", out.height="700px", scale=0.6} d <- as_trelliscope_df(gsumm, name = "gapminder") |> set_default_labels(c("country", "continent")) |> set_default_layout(ncol = 3) |> set_default_sort(c("continent", "mean_lexp"), dir = c("asc", "desc")) # set panel options (if not specified, defaults are used) d <- d |> set_panel_options( lexp_time = panel_options(width = 600, height = 400) ) |> set_primary_panel("lexp_time") view_trelliscope(d) ```